March 18, 2022 Full Moon in Virgo
Hi there everyone!
Today I wanted to talk about the March 18, 2022 full moon in Virgo at 27 degrees and what that could look like for you. This is a beautiful full moon that has a little something for everyone to enjoy! So read on and see where you can shine 🙂
OR you can jump down to the key items to take away for this full moon here.
Full moons are a time of completion when projects and situations can reach a culmination or possibly be completed. March 18, 2022 full moon in Virgo can complete a change to your daily routine or health. So if you have been working on your health this is a time you could really see the improvements that you have been working towards! Work routines could become more stable and easy going as well and things will tend to run smoother at the office or in your daily routines.
The full moon is also a time when it is easier to draw what you want towards you so spend a little time deciding what it is that you would like to bring into your daily routines to aid your mental and or physical health. Then work to add them to your routines between now and then. Some examples would be a new exercise or meditation routine, adding music or art to your daily routine while you work that aids happiness, creating a workspace that suits your personality better, making small changes to your environment or routine like getting flowers to look at or chatting with friends a little each day that can bring you more joy, finding new ways to relax while unwinding like coloring or drawing or playing an instrument. These activities also boost mood and can decrease any anxiety or depression that many people have been experiencing during the pandemic.
Neptune will be very close to the Sun in Pisces during this full moon which boosts activities related to romance and creativity. People that have planets in Pisces or Virgo around 27 degrees (plus or minus 5 degrees or birth dates near the 19th plus or minus 5 days) will get a double dip of this wonderful energy although everyone of every sign can tap into this wonderful energy. Try to use this time to showcase a creative presentation that you have been working on, plan a new creative project, or spend time making your surroundings more organized or more beautiful. Neptune in Pisces is in it’s home sign and can be best expressed here so the results can be magical! This aspect also aids compassion and empathy towards others so you may find you are more in tune with how your words or actions affects those around you. Pay attention and follow your intuition at this time and you will achieve better results. This is especially true for Sagittarian and Gemeni people. Music and poetry are also favored with this transit so if your career deals with either of these now is the time to create new material. You have the ability now to lift people’s spirits and it will be well received by others!
Pluto in Capricorn is also at a beautiful angle to this full moon in Virgo and can really give you help from a VIP at this time. It could be someone in your industry like a boss, a coworker, or someone who has a lot of influence in the matter at hand or type of work that you do. So be sure to show off what you create to people that are in a position to help you. They may love the work or project so much that they will go to bat for you to get you the recognition you deserve!
At this same time Venus and Mars will be holding hands in Aquarius and not only does this aspect boost creativity and beauty but it also increase your power to shine to others! So get out and mingle and you could meet just the right person. If friends invite you come out with them you should go and see what happens. This aspects really boosts people with the Sun, Venus, or Mars in Aquarius or Leo the most but also any sun signs in Fire or Air signs (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, or Aquarius) If you are single go out and see who you meet! If you are already attached plan to spend a little time with your significant other and things will go smoothly and happiness is increased at this time. Maybe you and your partner may decide to go hang out with a group of people that share an interest of yours or by working together you both can achieve a hope or dream that you have both wanted for awhile. Venus and Mars only meet up like this about once a year so this is the best time to meet someone new or rekindle that spark with someone you already love!
Key Take Away:
Music, art, and creative projects are boosted for success now.
Spend time analyzing your daily routines to see where you could make small changes to increase personal happiness.
Look to influential people and higher ups to sing your praises and help you get what you deserve by talking with or showing them your talents.
Take time to hang with groups and friends to meet now people that can help you. Spend time with the ones you love for increased happiness and bonding!
Or for a more in depth reading you can lick here to order a personal reading from an astrologer that has been practicing for over 20 years here!