New Moon in Scorpio 2 degrees (October 25th, 2022)

This Scorpio New Moon is also an Eclipse which brings opportunity for change!

Okay so I really like this Scorpio New Moon coming up on October 25th, 2022! This eclipse could feel like a breath of fresh air for many of us! Creative projects that have to do with writing, teaching, learning, and reading are all favored at this time. Any type of communications will be favored making it a great time to talk to people and be out and about! More about what an eclipse is here. This eclipse also kicks off the weekend before Halloween. So if you are invited to Halloween parties this coming weekend it’s a great time to get dressed up, get out and go. I see so much fun for you in the chart! The ew Moon eclipse could bring a new project opportunity, a new look or style, or even a new trip to you and bring you new happiness! Anyone with planets between 18 and 25 degrees of Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius which would be birthdays between the 8th and the 15th of June, October, February, April, August, or December get a double dip of happy surprises due to a grand trine that is happening in the sky right now at this New Moon.

Mercury the planet of communication and planning is sitting close enough to give a boost to this New Moon eclipse. Mercury will give information and electronics a big boost to ensure positive communications with others. This will feel like a breath of fresh air as we just came through the Mercury retrograde that ended on October 2nd which gave many of us technical difficulties, miscommunications, and misunderstandings. You may speak to just the right person for up to 10 days after this New Moon to receive a new opportunity for happiness so answer the phone and make plans!

Mercury is also making a grand trine with Mars the planet of desire, energy, and drive, and with Saturn the planet of ambition, stability, persistence, and diligence. This gives all of us an enormous energy boost to our creative efforts and communications! It also adds staying staying power which is important especially now as we head into a Mars retrograde slow down period.

It’s best to do as much as you can right now as Mars starts his nap going retrograde on October 30th, 2022. Most of you will likely notice the slow down and dip in energy leading up to this date.  Adding on to this, Jupiter is in a position to possibly make us overestimate our abilities and give ourselves deadlines we may not be able to keep so easily. So be sure to add on and allow for extra time to any plans or projects you set up at this time. From October 30th through till January 13th things will seem to move forward much more slowly. This is to allow us time to rest and recharge and plan ahead for what we want to accomplish in the New Year! So try to be patient with the slow down and be content to make slow steady progress towards our goals. You will see that it was worth the extra time and effort when we get to the other side in January and things begin to zoom forward again. For more information on Mars retrograde click here.

The Mars retrograde itself along with this New Moon eclipse in Scorpio makes this a good time to look towards others motives or our own motives.  So any type of counseling or therapy is favored at this New Moon for this reason. Even just reflecting on what we truly desire can be helpful to use this energy to your best advantage. By knowing what we want, we are much more easily able to make plans and work towards fulfilling our deepest desires, or realizing how to take our power back in a situation.

We do have a loose square with Pluto with this eclipse. This type of angle can cause more challenging situations and gets extra emphasis because Pluto rules this eclipse, So if this New Moon has you in a situation where you are under someone’s thumb or maybe you are putting the screws on someone so to speak. Then the energy of this New Moon can help you figure out how to take your power back or start again with better boundaries in a way that makes you much happier. As other alternatives it could also have to do with beginnings or endings. This could bring experiences that are related to birth, death, motives, healing, or transformation.

The big advantage we have with this is that Mercury is in that grand trine allowing our intentions to come across well with others in a way that we all can be more understanding of others. This goes a long way in helping us relate more deeply with those that we love and allows us to create the positive experiences we all crave!

If you want to know exactly how this eclipse touches your birth chart and get more details on how it will draw new things into your life and what to look for then you can order a chart reading via email, Facetime, Zoom by emailing me here!

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