Hello Beautiful Readers!

Have you ever wanted to know how to get what you wanted in life more easily?

In today’s lesson we are going to talk about just that! I want to talk about the planet Mars and the function and qualities of Mars. Planets show what action or drive is being expressed by the person. The sign the planet lives in shows how the person uses the energy and action of the planet to express the drive indicated by the nature of the planet.

So then Mars will lead the way!

If we want to get from point A to point B then Mars is the driver of the car and carries us towards our inner desires and goals.

Mars Planetary Symbol Which is the Male Symbol

The symbol for Mars is literally the symbol for male and represents the ego and desire nature of the person.

Mars rules Aries and represents the desire nature and the way people go about getting what they want. Mars wants to be assertive and will fight to get what it wants.  This can play out as an inner struggle with yourself to go after what you want or to keep the peace with others or it can come back to you from without where others will work for or against your will and aid or impede you from getting what you want.

Wherever we find Mars in the chart, the sign that Mars lands in shows how the person uses their will and drive for dominance and to get what they desire. A strong Mars placement will represent someone that is assertive and dominant.  If we want to know how to better use our energy to get what we want, then relating to our Mars energy will help us get there. Mars shows us the easiest path to reaching what we want in any given situation. Sometimes by altering the way we go about using our will we can achieve better results for our own happiness and get more of what we want in life.

Mars also traditionally represents what type of man a women is looking for in a partner or a style of sexual expression for a man. This varies depending on the sign and house that Mars falls in our chart. Let’s take a look at how Mars likes to operate in the different signs…

Mars in Aries

Mars in Aries in in it’s home sign and can be more easily expressed here. These people are independent and spontaneous and are usually very direct in how they go about getting what they want. They don’t mind fighting for what they want either and this can lead to conflicts of course especially if the situation calls for a gentler or more intuitive style towards others.  They have a need or drive for excitement that makes them dare devils at times. They see something they want and just jump in both feet first! They like to be in the limelight and are usually dominant personality types. A friendly competition can keep them interested in things long enough to finish but in general Mars in Aries loves to start about 10 things and finish maybe 3 of them lol. They just get excited about the next new thing or desire and want to move on.

Mars in Aries will tend to be very passionate in bed and really enjoy getting that back from their partners as well. They are quick to act and really don’t enjoy waiting. They find waiting more frustrating than other signs. For this reason, Mars in Aries doesn’t mind initiating sex and can also like to dominate during sex.

Mars in Taurus

Mars in Taurus takes a more steady laid back approach to things.  It may take them a minute to get started but once they are going after what they want they will have the drive and persistence that carries them to the finish line. Mars here has much more patience and is willing to work steadily towards any desire or goal set by the person. They are content to work on something a little each day until the desired result is achieved. They may have a love of or collect beautiful objects such as art, furniture, or real estate as Taurus rules the home and what we find beautiful.

Mars in Taurus is very sensual and pleasure seeking and will have strong sexual desires.

A man with Mars in Taurus will try to show his love tangibly with gifts and may be really possessive of a lover or partner. The Mars ego also wants to be a good provider and they may hold off commitment or marriage if they feel they don’t have enough money to support the partner.

A woman with Mars in Taurus shows a strong dominate person but they also want a partner that can dominate them in some way as well. They are also very comfort oriented and will enjoy a partner that can help them be more comfortable.


Mars in Gemini

Mars in Gemini is very versatile and the drive here is to communicate, teach, and learn. They will talk to others to achieve their desires. They work well in collaboration with others and have a curious nature. They make good friends as they put energy into maintaining friendships. They can be kind of fickle in love as their curiosity has them chatting with new people all the time and they actually care more about the conversation than the sex sometimes.

Men with Mars in Gemini will want to impress you by talking to you all the time. They will be funny and witty if they like you. He will want to show you how clever and smart he is with his knowledge of so many topics.

Women with Mars in Gemini want a man with Gemini qualities and will be attracted to intelligent witty men. She enjoys chatting with men more than other signs do and wants a guy that can think his way out of problems or situations.

Mars in Cancer

Mars in Cancer use the ego and the desire nature based on how they feel about doing something.  They have a strong desire to belong and be wanted by those they care about. They may work at achieving something they desire by coming at it sideways like a crab. They often will suggest something indirectly by hinting at what they want others.

Men with Mars in Cancer want to connect to their women on an emotional level and enjoy the energy connection between themselves and their partners. They are very considerate and protective towards lovers and will often intuit what their lover wants and will give it to them.  The problem here is that they often expect their partners to be able to do the same for them and that often doesn’t work out depending on the partners planetary placements.

Women with Mars in Cancer want a man that is sensitive, caring, and in touch with their feelings. They want to feel nurtured by their partners. They will also often try to attract men by cooking for them as Cancer rules the stomach.

Mars in Leo

Mars in Leo really wants to be the center of attention and they take pride in what they do. The drive here is to be the benevolent king with many adorers and subjects.  They use their ego and drive to gain respect and influence in groups by being overly dramatic or lavishly generous. Mars in Leo is also really great with kids usually as Leo rules children. They make good teachers even if that isn’t their profession.

Men with Mars in Leo want admiration and respect from their partners. They can be spontaneous and lavishly generous towards people they really like.  They must be able to respect the partner for their own merits but that person must also feed their need for attention.  They can fall in and out of love easily but are very loyal when committed.

Women with Mars in Leo like a dramatic and outgoing partner that enjoys being the life of the party. Flattery works well on these women and they also enjoy being adored by their partners as this feeds their ego.

Mars in Virgo

Mars in Virgo loves to plan and plan again.  They work through different scenarios and will think through how different methods may turn out before they even try a course of action. The ego drive here isn’t very strong and they may come across a shy type of individual. They are very sensual in love and love to touch and be touched.  Quality time for them can include just being in the same room as the partner even if they do different activities.

Men with Mars in Virgo are often shy to start but are powerfully sensual after they get to know a partner. They can also be critical towards their partner as they always looks towards perfection.

Women with Mars in Virgo want soft and sensitive guy that is sensual and is willing to make a plan for the couple. This partner needs to be shy but devoted.

Mars in Libra

Mars in Libra really loves balance and people with this placement often avoid confrontation with others wanting that maintaining the peace with others. This is someone who is good at dealing with others one on one and coming up with a plan that is fair for everyone.  Mars in Libra also makes a very good mediator or family peace keeper because they are uniquely positioned to see all sides of the issue. Mars in Libra also loves a partner in crime and will prefer to do things with a friend or significant other rather than by themselves.

Mars in Libra likes a partner that are easy going and attractive in a classic traditional way. These men tend to prefer sex that is straight forward and not so kinky unless it is indicated other places in the chart.

Women with Mars in Libra prefer a sweet and easy going partner that is willing to cooperate easily. There is a strong need to communicate often with others to achieve this cooperation.

Mars in Scorpio

Mars in Scorpio is super sexy as Scorpio rules sex and Mars rules desire. The combination is powerful creates a strong sexual urge.  This placement and Mars in Aquarius both like kinky sex. This placement also creates a magnetism that makes the person a more influential type person. It increases the persons social attractiveness and also their emotional intuition in the sense that this person will understand other peoples motives better than anyone else. They often understand what the other person is trying for before the other person does. Mars in Scorpio likes to be in control and may manipulate situations to gain the upper hand.

Men with Mars in Scorpio like power and control and often will like to be dominant in bed and prefer a partner that is more submissive in bed. They are also usually considered very good lovers by their partners as they have a wonderful sense of what the other person likes.

Women with Mars in Scorpio want a man that is powerful, dominant, and mysterious. Tall, dark, and handsome comes to mind here. There is a strong drive here to influence others to aid their will.

Mars in Sagittarius

Mars in Sagittarius shoots for the stars. They have a strong drive to achieve lofty goals and lots of drive and energy to run after what they want.  They don’t enjoy waiting around and will take off after what they decide they want before planning anything out often. Mars in Sagittarius wants to impress you with their honesty and philosophy. They are also very blunt and matter of fact about sex and will talk about all the details of sex with you.  This placement can make someone a little shy of commitment and could be a little like Cassinova.

Men with Mars in Sagittarius like adventure with their partners and may not stick to just one partner unless they are already strongly committed.   This person also likes to travel and will enjoy sex in new and interesting places with their partners.

Women with Mars in Sagittarius likes a partner that is strong and honest. They want someone that is positive and that they can be silly with. If they like someone they will make them laugh and share their philosophy or dreams with them.

Mars in Capricorn


Mars in Aquarius


Mars in Pisces