Night Sky with Sagittarius constellation for New Moon in Sagittarius

This New Moon lands in 2 degrees Sagittarius on November 23rd, 2022 and will kick off the holiday season in grand style! We have made it through the eclipses in the last few weeks and the universe will be much more supportive to you the second half of November. I am excited to announce that Jupiter the planet of luck, expansion, and happiness will be in a wonderful position to this New Moon which in astrology we call a trine. This happens just in time to bring extra luck and happiness for the holiday season to begin!

This trine with Jupiter will add happiness and good will to any Thanksgiving dinner and will have family being sweeter to you than usual. Even if you don’t live where Thanksgiving is celebrated, then get out and hang with friends or family this week surrounding November 23rd. Everyone will be in a good mood, and you are sure to have a good time socializing with others! This energy is so nice it could have you overextending yourself slightly thinking you can do more than you actually can. So, be a little choosy in what you commit to do or buy. This is due to a square of Mars to Jupiter which is boosting energy and luck towards what we desire but may have a side effect of overextending our resources or ourselves. To balance this though, Mars has a happy trine with Saturn right now helping us to stabilize our energy and desire. This would help us to have the drive to follow through on what we commit to or purchase making it a good time to push towards what you want.

Shopping season for the holidays usually begins at this time and Jupiter will be there to help you get the best deals for your money. Try to look ahead in the weeks leading up to this time and you will have an easier time using this energy to your advantage. Those with planets or a rising sign at 2 degrees of Sagittarius, Aries, Leo, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius will get an extra boost of this wonderful energy.  For Sun signs that will be birthdays between the 19th and the 27th of November, March, July, May, September, and January.  That’s a lot of people receiving extra joy at this time! The Leo people will really feel like king of the jungle having the best angles to all of the lucky alignments happening at this New Moon. Lucky you! But even if you don’t have a birthday during those dates or planets at 2 degrees of the fire and air signs, you will still receive plenty of luck and good will from the universe towards your desires and goals now!

This New Moon favors luck, travel, higher education, law, expansion, looking forward towards the future, and philosophy.  If you have a focus in work or in your personal life in any of these areas, then it’s a good time to take action as your actions are favored now. Look for positive results on your actions between now and the full moon on December 7th. Things will tend to work out in your favor right now so put extra energy into anything related to these topics! This energy is very powerful right now because Jupiter is the ruler of the New Moon in Sagittarius and carries extra influence and luck because of this. So, this is a great time to take a trip, turn in a big project in college, settle or win a lawsuit, expand a business, finish a large work project you have been working on for a while, or to take a chance on something you have always wanted!

Pluto is sitting in a wonderful spot in the zodiac right in between Jupiter and this wonderful New Moon. This makes what we call a sextile or 60-degree angle to both Jupiter and the New Moon. This adds extra blessings to the New Moon possibly giving us a raise, a promotion, extra money, a new project that will allow us to show off our skills to the higher ups, or new support from VIPs at work. It could work to help us transform, heal, or change something to our advantage and increase happiness in that way. Another way we could see a benefit could be a happy new beginning or a solution to a problem we have been working very hard on to solve recently.  This will be especially wonderful to any of us that may have had a tough time during the eclipses that just completed.  This just might be the way forward and the window opening our way to more happiness. So, if the recent eclipses closed a door for you due to the challenges encountered during the previous full moon eclipse on November 8th earlier this month, then cheer up because the universe is dreaming up new ways to make you smile. Keep your eyes open to anything that comes up related to any of the areas listed here.  Look for ways to get more of what you want, and you will be happily surprised by your luck and what you get right now!

If you want to know more about how the energy around this wonderful new moon can be used to get more of what you want, then email me here and order a personalized reading where we discuss what parts of your world are most boosted by this energy. This can be done by email or in person using zoom video. You may download a copy of the video after the session is completed if desired.